miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

Denuncian desde La Macarena (Meta) falsos positivos

Manuel R y Carlos M enviaron la noticia: El relato de Raquel Benavides, quien asegura que su hijo no era guerrillero.

Manuel opinó y se dirigió al gobierno canadiense.

Manuel R: Mega Mass grave for false positives in La Macarena. Witness speaks at audience (sequencial translation in English)

Please forward to the criminals

Watch this (http://www.elespectador.com/noticias/judicial/articulo-215725-denuncian-macarena-meta-falsos-positivos)

Conservatives, Liberals, Canadians and people of the world. Watch it. Listen to this mother telling the truth. Watch this and watch yourselves in the mirror. You have signed a deal with a Government that does this, that did this. You have known it. You knew it then. You know it now. You have covered these crimes for the profit of the Mining, Gas, Oil and other corporations. For a Free Trade Agreement. This woman spoke yesterday at La Macarena. A mass grave "protected" by the Colombian army. Uribe is doing this. Santos, the new President elect ordered this as a Minister of Defence, for the same interests that you represent: corporate and financial institutions.

Congratulations. Watch her and multiply this pain by thousands. You have made Canada and Canadians accomplices to murder, impoverishment and terror for profit. Donºt say you did not know. You now. You covered this up. You profit from this. You help your bosses profit for this and the silence of Canadians is your safeguard, supported by the lies of your mass media.

I accuse you! She does. We do. Congratulations. You have earned your recognition as criminals. One day, you will have to face your victims. YOU WILL HAVE TO FACE YOUR CRIMES! But nobody will return the murdered to life. A mother is trying to get a corpse of her innocent child from the government and they abuse her on your behalf. That pain. That suffering multiplied by thousands is done on your behalf, for those whom you represent. LIVE WITH IT!! You will have to face it. You will. No matter where you hide, how much you lie, how important you are, how much rhetoric you produce, you, your corporate bosses, the media liers, your silent accomplices, you are criminals. FACE IT!

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